3.1.2 Approve project plans and logs

3.1.2 Approve project plans and logs

1. Introduction

Users with approve project plans and logs can view and approve the plans and logs submitted by others in the corresponding project.

There are three types of users who have this permission:

  • Jira Project Leader

  • Users in TimeWise Project Approver project role

  • Custom Approver




2. Configuration

2.1 Batch Add TimeWise Project Approver in [Permission]



Click "Configuration" in the figure above to add the project role of TimeWise Project Approver to users in batch.

Click "Add":

  • User/Group: Select user or user group, multiple choices are allowed

  • Project: Select project, multiple choices are allowed

2.2 Add TimeWise Project Approver in [Project settings]

In Project Settings > Users and Roles, Add users to the TimeWise Project Approver project role, and these users will have the permission to Approve Project Hours.

2.3 Custom Approver

Click "Configure" in the picture above, and the pop-up window is as shown below:

Click "Add" to pop up the approver adding window:

(1) Approver: select the user as the approver;

(2) Type: There are two types in total, one is to designate an approver for a certain type of user; the other is to designate an approver for a certain type of issue;

  • If you select "Assign approvers by user", you need to select "Submitters", then the working hours submitted by these "submitters" will be approved by "Approvers";

  • If you select "Assign approvers by issue", you need to select the “issue fields”, which is supported by issue type or custom single-select/multi-select drop-down fields, then the working hours of this type of issue will be approved by ”Approvers“;

(3) Project: The default applies to all projects, you can also choose the project independently;

(4) Timed approve: After opening, it will automatically approve the logs and plans that meet the conditions at the specified approve time point.

Note: The approvers added here will appear in the "Approver" at the same time as the project TimeWise Project Approver:

3. Application

Users with Approve Project plans and logs can view and approve the plans and logs of other users in the project.

Note: these permissions are limited to the current project; users cannot view and approve the work logs of other projects if they don't have the TimeWise Project Approver role in other project.

Please refer to https://dragonsoft.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DAS/pages/2135556390 for Viewing Project Hours permission.

The Approving project plans and logs permission is applied as follows:

  • Users with approve project plans and logs permission

Approve work logs or plans:

  • General Users

General users can select approvers If there are multiple approvers in the project when submitting work logs or plans :