Confluence Admin Toolkit - Auto Activate/Deactivate Users

Confluence Admin Toolkit - Auto Activate/Deactivate Users

Confluence Admin Toolkit is a convenient plugin for confluence administrators:

  1. Automatically clean up users who have not logged in for a long time, so as to manage their permissions or reduce the cost of licenses.

  2. Extend additional functionality for administrators, aiming to get more administrative work done with fewer actions.

  3. Some functions of the system administrator are delegated to the space administrator within the scope of authority, which reduces the pressure on the system administrator and improves the efficiency of the space administrator.

  4. Confluence REST-API extension for external calls.

Quick Start Guide 👇

  1. If you are a system administrator:Space Tool PermissionsClear Tools (Global)Space Permission Management

  2. If you are a space administrator:Space GroupClear Tools (Space)


If you need a trial, please download it from Atlassian Marketplace via the link below and click on Try it free to apply for a trial license

Admin Toolkit - Auto Activate/Deactivate Users | Atlassian Marketplace

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