2.3 Indepth understanding of the "Add Reminder" Pop-up

2.3 Indepth understanding of the "Add Reminder" Pop-up

Congratulations on successfully adding a reminder on the Confluence page!

Next, let’s take a closer look at the "Add Reminder" pop-up you just saw.

1. For Page Reminder only

(1) Reminder Date

The reminder date is the specific date to receive the reminder.


(2) Remarks

Add here an additional description of the reminder. The content will appear in the notifications you receive.


(3) Preview 

You can get an overview of the details of all the reminders (including: reminder date, time, reminder scheme and continue reminding after expiration) by clicking the preview button at the bottom of the add/edit/view reminder pop-up as shown below.


Note: Up to 10 expired reminders and 10 future reminders can be showed respectively.

2. For Table Reminder only

(1) Format of the due date reminder column

The drop-down option displays the date format configured by the Confluence administrator in the “Global Configuration”. If you need more date formats, please contact the administrator.

Select the date format used for the date you just filled in the form. For example: the date format you just filled in the form is "2020-12-25", you can select "yyyy-MM-dd" here.

Note: If you entered Confluence's built-in date macro when editing the page, you need to select: date macro.


(2) Due date reminder column

"Due date reminder column" will show the column(s) of the table on the page which match the date formats you had selected in the above step. Choose the column(s) you want to add the reminder.


3. General Configurations for both Page Reminder and Table Reminder

(1) Reminder time

It is the time you wish to receive the reminder.

You can choose the default time, or you can enter any time you prefer (following formats such as 14:25, 1425).


(2) Select reminder scheme(s)


By default, only punctual reminder scheme selected. You can click the "New reminder scheme" button to add new reminder schemes as you need.


  • Punctual Reminder

You will receive a reminder on the exact date you specified in the table or the "reminder date" if it is a page reminder at the exact time you set in the configuration page.


  • Remind in Advance

Click the "New reminder scheme" button to add a new reminder scheme.

With "Day" as the unit, you can set the repeat frequency basing one day(s).


With "week" as the unit, you can choose certain days of the week as well as the repeat frequency basing one week(s).


With "month" as the unit, you can choose certain days of the month as well as the repeat frequency basing one month(s).



Note: Repeating reminders "every 3 days" means: 2 days after the previous reminder. Same for weeks and months.

  • Display recently added reminder schemes

After checking the box, it will display the reminder schemes you had recently added, and you can avoid creating the same shemes and to directly choose the exsited reminder schemes.


(3) Keep reminding after due date

By "day", you can set a reminder every few days



By "week", you can set a reminder of the day of the week every few weeks

By "month", you can set the day of reminders every few months


  • Deadline of “Keep reminding after due date”

Page reminder can set the reminder deadline:

Table reminders can be set to not remind in how many days after due date:

Keep reminding until forever when not filling:

(4) Recipient

Configure the "Recipient" of the reminder. Options available: page creator, last modifier, page followers, other users.