1.5.2 Leave Setting

1.5.2 Leave Setting

1. Introduction

Users can use this function to bind leave-related issues with leave types so that users can use it when creating leave records, the interface is as shown in the figure.

2. Permission Required

Users with administrator rights can view and operate the interface, For example, the user belongs to jira-Administrators.


3.1 New leave setting

Click the [Add] button to bind leave-related issues with leave types

Note: One leave type can only be bound to one issue.

3.2 Edit leave setting

Same as adding.

3.3 delete leave setting

After deletion, this issue is no longer related to leave and users can log or plan work on this issue.

3.4 Convert worklogs into Leave hours

In TimeWise 6.0.3 and earlier versions, users may have log work on leave-related issues, such hours will not be recognized as leave hours. You can be converted such hours into leave hours with just one click.

When converting:

  • If the logger already has leave record on the log day, the working hours will be accumulated in the original leave record and no new leave record will be added;

  • If the same user has multiple logs on the same day that need to be converted into leave records, only one new leave record will be added, and hours will be accumulated;

  • If the leave issue is bound to multiple leave types, it needs to confirm the target type for conversion;

  • If the hours of the same user to be converted on the same day exceeds the maximum allowed leave hours on that day, the converted working hours will be automatically truncated as the maximum allowed leave hours;

  • After conversion, the original work log will be deleted;

  • Work plan on this issue will not be affected by the conversion;