2.2 Status influence ranking

2.2 Status influence ranking

For ease of understanding, we illustrate the status influence ranking with a scenario associated with a demand and a story.

Workflow of Demand

Workflow of Story

Workflow of Demand

Workflow of Story



If a demand is associated with multiple stories, at some stages of the requirement, the requirement status can be determined by the progress of the associated story. Based on the business process, the following rules can be formulated:

  • As long as any linked story is in [Developing], the demand is in [Developing];

  • If no linked story is in [Developing], and at least one related story is in [Development Completed] or [Testing], then the requirement is in [Testing];

  • If no linked story is in [Developing] or [Development Completed] or [Testing], and at least one related story is in [Waiting for Release], then the demand is in [Deployment Phase];

  • If all linked stories are in [Done], then the demand is in [Done].

In the above rules, if the status influence of the story is ranked, it should be:

  • [Developing] must be the most influential;

  • Followed by [Developing], it should be [Testing];

  • The next is [Waiting for Release];

  • [Done] must be the lowest.

Therefore, we can summarize the status recognition rules in such scenarios as:

  • The status of a demand is determined by the most influential status of all its associated issues at this time, regardless of their historical status.

Here is a sample of status influence ranking and target status:


Status of Link Issue Type (Story)

Status of Automatic Issue Type (Demand)


Status of Link Issue Type (Story)

Status of Automatic Issue Type (Demand)





Development Completed






Waiting for Release

Deployment Phase


Waiting for Development

Waiting for Development




  • If a demand associates with stories in: [Developing], [Testing], [Waiting for Development], and [Done], the status with the highest influence referring to the above table is [Developing], so the corresponding demand status should be under [Developing].

  • If a demand associates with stories in: [Development Completed], [Testing], [Waiting for Development], and [Done], the status with the highest influence referring to the above table is [Development Completed], so the corresponding demand status should be under [Testing].

  • If a demand associates with stories in: [Done], [Waiting for Development], and [Done], the status with the highest influence referring to the above table is [Waiting for Development], so the corresponding demand status should be under [Waiting for Development].