JQL Functions

JQL Functions

The following JQL functions are offered for approval related searches in your JQL query.





issue in waitApprovalForMe()

Query the issues waiting for my approval.

issue in approvedBy("username1,username2,...")

Query the issues approved by specified user(s).

issue in rejectedBy("username1,username2,...")

Query the issues rejected by specified user(s).

issue in approvedIssue(statu1, statu2, statu3,…)

Query the issues that have been approved finally in the specified approval status(es) (not current status).

issue in rejectedIssue(statu1, statu2, statu3,…)

Query the issues that have been rejected finally in the specified approval status(es) (not current status).

issue in approvedCreatedByMe()

Query the issues created by me and currently in the approval process.

issue in currentApprovedBy("username1,username2,...")

Query the issues that have been approved by the specified user(s) and currently in the approval process.

issue in currentRejectedBy("username1,username2,...")

Query the issues that have been rejected by the specified user(s) and currently in the approval process.

issue in currentApprovalPendingBy("username1,username2,...")

Query the issues currently waiting for the specified user(s) to approve.