General approval

General approval

General approval : It means that after the approver approves, the system will judge whether the pass/reject conditions are met. If so, it will automatically execute the pass/reject conversion action. If there are remaining unapproved people, it will be ignored, that is, if the conditions are met, the conversion will be performed.

(1)Displays info of approval users whose approval action is pendding/approved/rejected

When an issue reaches the approval status set in the rule, the approval panel will appear on the right side of the issue detail view.



① Hover your mouse on the pendding/approved/rejected number to see the info of the approvers

② Displays the rule of approval (Count/Percent)

③ Approve action

④ Reject action

⑤ Approval History 


Click "Approve":



When the approved/rejected number is enough to trigger the action of the rule, the status of the issue will be updated accordingly. Only approval history will be seen thereafter.

Note: When the approval process is abnormal(eg.  Required approved number >  Total number of approvers), issues will not automatically move to the next status. To solve this issue, users with administrator permission are required to modify the approval rule or add additional approvers.


Click "Reject", it is required to enter a reason.





Note: When the approval process is abnormal(eg.  Required approved number >  Total number of approvers), issues will not automatically move to the next status. To solve this issue, users with administrator permission are required to modify the approval rule or add additional approvers.


When the auto transition of the approval rule has not been triggered, users can revoke their selection by clicking the Revoke button. When the button is clicked, the approval status of that approver will go back to the Pending status.




The Revoke reason is required.




 Click "History" to view records of all the approval activities performed on the issue.