2.1 Query the audit log list
get /rest/shdsd-Timesheet/3/auditLog
API Documentation
Query information related to work hour data.
Media type
Request example
{JiraHost}/rest/shdsd-Timesheet/3/auditLog?mode=audit&startDate=2024-07-09&endDate=2024-08-01&projectIds=10032,10033&issueKeys=IK-556,IK-557&runAs=bruce&startAt=0&maxResults=10 |
Query parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Default Value |
mode | String | audit:Retrieve the list of pending review logs for the approver. view:Retrieve the list of pending review logs for oneself. revoke-audit:Retrieve the list of requests to withdraw approved work hours for the approver. revoke-view:Retrieve the list of requests submitted by oneself to withdraw approved work hours. | Not required | view |
startDate | String | The start time of the work log is in the format yyyy-MM-dd, and it is mandatory in "audit" or "view" mode. | Not required |
endDate | String | The end time of the work log is in the format yyyy-MM-dd, and it is mandatory in "audit" or "view" mode. | Not required |
projectIds | String | The project ID of the work log, separated by commas for multiple projects. | Not required |
projectKeys | String | The project key of the work log, separated by commas for multiple projects. | Not required |
issueIds | String | The issue ID of the work log, separated by commas for multiple issues. | Not required |
issueKeys | String | The issue key of the work log, separated by commas for multiple issues. | Not required |
runAs | String | A single username to execute this audit log query with the user's permissions. When left blank, the returned content will not be restricted by permissions. | Not required |
startAt | Number | The starting position of the returned list data. | Not required | 0 |
maxResults | Number | The maximum number of records to return in the list. | Not required | 10 |
Return Example
"total": 2, -- Total number of work hour data
"isLast": true, -- Whether the current returned result is the last page of the pagination
"startAt": 0, -- The starting position of the returned list data
"maxResults": 10, -- Return the maximum number of records in the list
"values": [
"log": { -- Working hours content
"id": 10700, -- Work hour ID
"author": "JIRAUSER11800",
"authorUser": { -- Personal information related to working hours
"userKey": "JIRAUSER11800",
"avatar": "",
"userName": "pluto",
"displayName": "pluto",
"emailAddress": "useremail022@test.com",
"isActive": true,
"isDel": false
"issueId": 13205,
"issueKey": "AAA-2",
"projectId": 11100,
"projectKey": "AAA",
"createTime": "2024-07-25 00:40:29.858", -- Fill in the time for working hours
"updateTime": "2024-07-25 00:40:29.858", -- Time to update working hours
"startDate": "2024-07-25", -- Working hours and dates
"timeWorked": 3600, -- Working hours used(seconds)
"timeWorkedStr": "1h", -- Working hours used
"memo": "333", -- Work hour remarks
"deleteOthersWorkLog": false,
"editOthersWorkLog": false
"audit": { -- Work hour audit content
"id": 139,
"auditor": "JIRAUSER10000",
"auditorUser": { -- Information related to the hour auditor
"userKey": "JIRAUSER10000",
"avatar": "",
"userName": "admin",
"displayName": "admini",
"emailAddress": "huihui@test.com",
"isActive": true,
"isDel": false
"status": 1, -- Work hour audit status 0 not submitted 1 Pending approval 2 Audited
"auditTime": "2024-07-25 01:10:54", -- Work hour review time
"auditComment": "buxing" -- Work hour audit instructions
"revoke": { -- Application for withdrawal of working hours
"undoReason": "I filled it in incorrectly",
"rejectReason": "No need to modify",
"status": 1, -- Status of work hour withdrawal application 0 applying 1 Agreed 2 REJECTED
} |