2.4 Synchronization exceptions and trouble shooting

Provide detailed exception information to identify the cause of data synchronization error.


The administrator logs in to the Jira system, clicks on the gear icon, selects "Manage apps" (as shown in Figure 1) and then finds the "SYNC TO JIRA" plugin item (as shown in Figure 2).

Figure 1
Figure 2

Click on "Synchronization exceptions and trouble shooting" to enter the trouble shooting page.The screen is shown as follows:





Click "Re-sync" to immediately resynchronize this record. If it fails, a new failure record will be added to the table. The corresponding data can be synchronized again based on the ID of this failure record.



2、Delete the synchronization failure record

When the checkbox of the table is checked, the "Delete Checked Records" button will be displayed. Clicking this button will delete these checked records.


3、Search for synchronization failure record

If there are too many synchronization failure records, you can search for the required records via "Instance configuration name" and "Synchronization direction".