4 Click on the self built application to open Confluence and automatically login

4 Click on the self built application to open Confluence and automatically login

Usage scenario:
After binding Confluence users with WeCom users, click on the self built application icon in the WeCom workspace to open Confluence and automatically login without entering a username and password.

Administrator configuration instructions:
The Confluence administrator needs to complete the binding of Confluence users with WeCom users.
The WeCom administrator needs to configure the homepage of the self built application as follows:

https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?appid=【company ID】&redirect_uri=【Confluence baseUrl】/plugins/servlet/scanLogged?defaultInit=0&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base&agentId=【self built application agentId】&state=0#wechat_redirect

Then the above usage scenarios can be implemented.