2 Import User

2 Import User

1 Introduction

Support batch creation of Jira users through Excel file import. After successful import, it will automatically send an email to the imported users to remind them that their accounts have been created.


2 How to import users?

Please Click on “Download Template” and download the Excel template (as shown in the following figure) first. Fill in the data according to the template requirements. Username, full name, and email are required.

Note: User group must be existing user group in Jira, otherwise the user would not be created successfully.


After the data is ready for import, upload the Excel file and click "Import" to batch import users.

When importing, an error row prompt will be provided for data that failed to import, and the remaining data can be imported normally without being affected.

3 Send email notifications to imported users

For users who have successfully imported, the system will send emails to notify them every 10 minutes.

If the email has not yet been sent or has failed to be sent, you can also manually send the email in “Import Notification > Send Email”:

You can search for the email sending list based on status of “Not sent” and “Sent already”:


  • For “Not sent“, click “Send email” or “Send email (all)” to manually send email notifications to users (in bulk), with the same email content as automatically sent emails;

  • For sending failed ≤ 2 times, the system will resend the email every 10 minutes, with the same content as the automatically sent email;

  • For successfully sent and sending failed >=4 times, they can be deleted.