User Management Extension - Auto Activate/Deactivate Users

User Management Extension - Auto Activate/Deactivate Users

Automatically Deactive Users

You can set a scheduler to automatically clean up users who have not logged in for a long time, so as to manage their permissions or reduce the cost of licenses.:

  • Customize the users who should be deactivated based on their last login time.

  • Set the time and interval for scheduler.

  • Automatically and regularly change the above user status to "inactive".

  • Allowlist is supported, users in the allowlist will not be deacitivated.

Automatically Activate Users

Automatically set users who are in reserve groups active and add them to corresponding permission groups when they attempt to log in.

Import Users

Import Jira users through an Excel file, including username, full name, email, user group. Send email notifications to imported users.

Batch User Operations

  • Search users with more filters.

  • Batch set users as active / inactive.

  • Batch add users to the whitelist.

  • Export users.