5.4 Cost Reports

5.4 Cost Reports

1. Introduction

Cost Reports are used to count costs for accounts and orders. When a user enters working hours on a project, corresponding project costs will be incurred.

2. Function

2.1 Statistics of key figures

On the cost reports page, you can query by time range, account, and order, query the working hours and costs of an order under an account over a period of time, and view the cumulative working hours and costs.

The key figures include:

  • Hours during this period: the total working hours in the query time period;

  • Cost during this period: the total cost in the query time period;

  • Cumulative Hours: the total working hours of all related projects under the queried account-order so far;

  • Cumulative Cost: the total cost of all related projects under the queried account-order so far;

  • Estimated cost: the estimated cost of the queried account-order;

2.2 Cost Accumulation Chart

As shown in the figure below, you can see the cumulative cost of each position level within the time period of the query.

2.3 Working hours and cost table for position levels

As shown in the figure, you can view the distribution of the working hours and costs of the order placed by the account on each position level. By expanding the position levels, you can also view the distribution of the working hours and costs of the position level among each user.

2.4 Export cost report

The cost report supports Excel or CSV export.

Export Example: