Project Configurations - Cloud

Project Configurations - Cloud

This short guide will discuss the various features available in the project configurations page on the Cloud version of the application.

First, a brief explenation of how the system works is required. For the sake of customisability, you can set the DocGen issue panel to only appear when the issue is at certain issue statuses. And you can also set specific templates to only appear at certain issue statuses. By default, the panel should only appear when valid templates have been assigned to the status the issue is at.

You can override this with the following settings.

The first checkbox, “Display Panel Even Without Valid Templates” does exactly what the name suggests. Since the panel normally only displays when it valid templates have been assigned to it, this override causes the panel to always appear, even when there are no valid templates assigned to the current issue’s status

The second checkbox, “Always Display All Templates” also does exactly what the name suggests. It’s a toggle that overrides the current set statuses and templates. It will cause all templates to be displayed no matter what status in the workflow the issue is at.

If you don’t have the second checkbox checked, the individual selection section will appear. This is where you can select a status and the corresponding templates for that status.You can select more than one template per status. Be sure to click the “Add” button below to add it to the table. You can also hit remove to remove the individual entries. Be sure to hit confirm at the very end to save your choices.