Request Filtering

Request Filtering


Request filtering has multiple combination states. Every state transformation is related to the first filtering condition chosen. Default is "My Requests"→"Open requests"→"All types"→"Created".

Filtering Condition

Click the first filtering condition box, multiple filtering conditions will show as the image below

(1)Select "My Requests"

The next filtering condition is: request state, request type and request creator. These filtering conditions can be combined randomly, filtering result will change after any condition adds

There are three states for requests:

Request type:


(2)Select "Approvals"

Filtering Condition becomes  "Waiting for my approval" and "All types"

Click the second filtering condition box, two more filtering condition will appear, as the image below shows, default is "Waiting for my approval"

The third filtering box is request type

(3)Select "All The Organizations"

The following filtering conditions are request state and request type

Click the second filtering condition box

Click the third filtering condition box