3.3 If the target JIRA system adds some new workflows or issue types and cannot obtain these new objects during relevant configuration, what should I do in this situation?

Trouble scenario:

In the target JIRA system (e.g.: ),create a issue type called "Defect". As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 below:


But this new issue type cannot be found in the target issue type drop-down box when adding a "Issue type configuration"(as shown in Figure 3 below). How to deal with this situation?



Solution steps:

Step 1: In the "Instance Configuration" page, find the instance configuration record based on the target Url and remember the corresponding instance configuration name---"Instance Config 1" (Target JIRA system: As shown in Figure 4 ). 



Step 2: Confirm the newly created issue type applies to which project in target JIRA system. (As shown in Figure 5: "Test Project") 


Step 3: To find the corresponding project configuration record via the instance configuration name ("Instance Config 1") and project name ("Test Project") in the "Project Configuration" page. (As shown in Figure 6 below). 



Step 4: Click on "Information update" and the following screen will pop up (as shown in Figure 7 below).



Step 5: Click "Confirm" to close this pop-up screen and then the latest "Issue types", "Workflows" and "Statuses" of the target Jira system will be obtained to local (as shown in Figure 8 below).



Note: When encountering new "Workflows" or "Statuses" that cannot be found during adding workflow configuration, the solution is the same as above.