2.2 Indepth understanding of the "Rules Defination"

2.2 Indepth understanding of the "Rules Defination"

You have successfully added the approval rule! Next, let's learn more about the composition of the "Approval Rule".


Before adding approval rules, let's first learn about workflow. Approval rules are formed around workflow, you can select a status as the approval status, select the transition to be executed after approval passing and rejecting, so that the issue will enter into one status after approval passing, and enter another status after approval rejecting.

You can set multiple person to participate the approval, which is different from the workflow. The issue will only execute the transition when the approval result trigger condition is met.

Add Approval Rule.

 You can add an approval rule based on the project & issue type, which will get this issue type under this project to approval process.

  1. Project: Select company-managed projects under this system (Team-managed projects are not supported ), you can enter the project name to search. This is a required item.

  2. Issue Type: Select the issue type under the selected project above, you can enter the type name to search. This is a required item.

  3. Approval Status: According to the selected project & issue type, select the corresponding status that needs to be approved, you can enter the status name to search. This is a required item.

  4. Transition ID(approve): Select the action to be executed after the approval is passed, you can enter the action name to search. This is a required item.

  5. Transition ID(reject): Select the action to be executed after the approval is rejected, you can enter the action name to search. This is a required item.

  6. Approvers: You can add approvers by user, user group, custom user field. This is a multiple choice and required.

  7. Approval condition: Set the conditions for approval, required:

    • Pass count (default): If the number of passers reaches the set value, the approval is approved

    • Pass Percent: If the proportion of passers reaches the set value, the approval is approved


View the details of the approval rule.


This is the same as “Add”, except that the project name, issue type and approval status cannot be edited.



Click “Disable”/”Enable” to disable/enable this approval rule. (Note: after disabling, the ongoing approval process under this rule cannot continue with approval. Please be careful!)



Delete the approval rule. (Note: after deleting, the ongoing approval process under this rule cannot continue with approval. Please be careful!)