3.2.10 Rate and Saturation Report

1. Features

The time management plug-in TimeWise can provide key data such as team or individual rate (actual) and work saturation (planned), which will bring you the following advantages:

  1. The rate affects the project cost. Through the visual data report, we can pay attention to the project cost at any time to help project managers adjust resources and plans in a timely manner, and optimize project cost management.

  2. Provide objective data support for staffing and work distribution, and improve the scientific nature of project management.

  3. Help project managers judge whether the working hours submitted by project personnel are reasonable, and provide timely guidance to ensure the objectivity and authenticity of the data.

  4. Improve the objective basis for personnel evaluation, enhance the fairness of personnel management and decision-making, help create a fair and good working atmosphere, and enhance team cohesion.

Below we will separately explain the rate and saturation.

  • Rate: Obtained through log working hours calculation (see 2. Calculation formula section for details), which mainly reflects the team and work operation status. It can be adjusted in time and appropriately according to the business management goals and project cost goals, optimize work and personnel allocation, and balance The goal of project cost control and business management.

    • From the perspective of overall enterprise management, the higher the rate, the better

      • The high rate indicates that the work schedule is tight, which is a normal situation. You can consider whether you need to increase human resources based on the actual situation.

      • Low rate indicates insufficient work arrangements, possibly too many staff, insufficient project tasks, or other factors.

    • From the perspective of the cost of a specific project, the lower the rate, the better

      • A high rate means that the project ends or is postponed normally, which will result in more difficult cost control and reduced profit margins. The possible reasons are that the project’s estimated time is too short, the demand changes too much, or the lack of human capacity and other factors.

      • The low rate means that the project takes less time than expected and may end early. The team involved in the project reduces the time cost for the company, thereby increasing the profit of the project.

  • Saturation: Through TimeWise's plan calculation, it is mainly used for scheduling project tasks, optimizing project personnel management, controlling project costs, and ensuring employee satisfaction.

    • The high degree of work saturation indicates that the staff's work arrangements are tight, which is a normal situation. You can also consider increasing human resources appropriately.

    • Low job saturation indicates insufficient work arrangements for employees. Consider whether there are too few tasks, insufficient personnel capabilities, or unreasonable work arrangements.

The sample diagram of the report interface is as follows:

2. Calculation formula

Assuming that a working day is 8 hours, we take user A as an example to calculate the rate and saturation of user A in July, the formula is as follows:

  • Rate = (July idle projects log) / (July working days * 8)

  • Saturation = July plan / (July working days * 8)


  1. Working days is calculated by the default working day scheme.

  2. Idle projects or issue types can be configured in the global configuration, as shown in the figure below, select projects or issue types , these projects and issue types are used to record invalid working hours, such as company dinner, study, training, handover work, spare time, etc.

3. Report permissions

You can bind some user groups to the Rate and Saturation Report in the global configuration of TimeWise, and the jira-administrators user group is bound by default. The users under these groups will have the following permissions:

  • Create, edit, delete and view Rate and Saturation Report.

  • You can view the working hours of all teams and users in the Rate and Saturation Report.

4. Report type

Three types are provided, namely rate, saturation and all. You can switch the types as shown in the figure below.

  • Rate

  • Saturation

  • All (Rate + saturation)

5. Report dimensions

You can view reports in two dimensions: team and user.

  • When selecting the user dimension, the first column on the left side of the table displays the user information, otherwise the team information is displayed.

  • Click on a row, the distribution and proportion of the user's or team's working hours under each project will be displayed on the right side of the page.

    • If the report type is rate, the log will be displayed here.

    • If the report type is saturation, the plan will be displayed here.


  • Click on the link at the end of the line to open the time sheet page to view detailed information about working hours.

  • When viewing the team dimension, click the icon shown in the figure below to view the Rate and Saturation Report of all users under the team.

  • Prompt information of the total line, as shown in the figure below.

    • Rate and saturation take the average of the rate and saturation of each team or user.

    • The query result shows that the same user belongs to multiple teams, and the working hours will not be double-calculated.

6. Export report

It supports exporting two types of files, EXCEL and CSV.

  • Export EXCEL

  • Export CSV