Setup Google DLP
This page demonstrates how to set up the Google DLP API for the Secure Info App. We will:
Set up a project on the Google Cloud Console
Obtain project and API keys
Note: this setup requires a google cloud console account, which requires a paid subscription. Without this account, the Google DLP scanning feature cannot be used in SecureInfo
Sign in to Google and navigate to the Google Cloud Console:
If you have an existing project, skip to step #, otherwise create a new project by choosing the dropdown in header, and clicking on New Project
Fill in the needed information. Note the Project ID (ex. newproject-311319). This will be used as the Project Key to setup Google DLP within Secure Info
Navigate to APIs & Services Dashboard → Dashboard → Enable API and Services
Search for Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API in the search bar, and enable it
Navigate to APIs and Services → Credentials → Create Credentials and select API key. Copy the ensuing API key provided. This will be used as the API Key to setup Google DLP within Secure Info
Once these steps are done, Google DLP can be configured within SecureInfo using the project and API keys (these can always be found in the cloud console)