/ Export space/page to PDF with watermark Export space/page to PDF with watermark

When it is enabled (by default), the exported PDF will display the watermark showed on the current page. You can export this space as watermarked PDF as follows:


If "Use different watermark style when exporting page" is turned on, the exported PDF watermark will follow the additional settings; if it is turned off, it is consistent with the page watermark. ( Use different watermark style when previewing attachment, exporting page and downloading PDF attachment )

Queue processing for ”Export to PDF with watermark“:

Premise: Export page to PDF with the watermark of "current user"

  • Click “Export page to PDF with watermark” to add the request to the queue. If there are other requests executing or queuing before the current export operation, the user will be prompted:

  • If you get queued, the UI interface will start the timer, and every 10 seconds it will ask the server whether the PDF is able be exported with watermark.

  • After the queue is completed, the PDF will be exported immediately.

  • You can cancel this export while in queue and the window in the lower right corner will disappear.