3.2 Task Reminder Scheme

3.2 Task Reminder Scheme

Confluence administrators can click "Task Reminder Scheme" to configure the task reminder scheme. By default, tasks are reminded according to the "Default Scheme". You can also set your favorite reminder scheme for the space in "Custom Scheme".



1. Task

There are 4 types of tasks according to the due date:

  • Expired Tasks

  • Tasks due in X day(s)

  • Tasks due in more than X day(s)

  • Tasks without due date

you can choose the task type that needs to be reminded.

2. Reminder Time

Configure the reminder time and reminder interval. Day/week/month are supported.





3. Recipient

Namely the person who receives the task reminder.


There are 3 options:

  • Task Assignee: Every user who is assigned a task will receive a reminder;

  • Task Assignee, except: Some task assignees can be excluded from receiving reminders;

  • Only the following Task Assignee: Only selected task assignees will receive reminders;

Remember to click the "Save" button after setting!

4. Custom Scheme

You can set seperate task reminder rules for spaces through custom schemes.

Step 1: Add Reminder Scheme




Step 2: Configure the reminder scheme



Click "Configure" to pop up the "Configuration" window. Configuring the task to be reminded, time, recipient, which is the same as the "Default Scheme" configuration.

Step 3: Associate the Scheme to the Space




Click “Associated Spaces” or “Used by X Space(s)” to pop up the “Associated Spaces” window:




After selecting the space you want to associate, click the "+ Associate" button, and then the space will be reminded of tasks according to this scheme.