Complete the required field configuration according to your business scenario. Before embarking on your data synchronization journey, please make sure to configure the issue type, otherwise it cannot proceed. When the issue type is not configured, the "Field Configuration" tab cannot be used.
The administrator logs in to the Jira system, clicks on the gear icon , selects "Manage apps" (as shown in Figure 1) and then finds the "SYNC TO JIRA" plugin item (as shown in Figure 2).
Click on "Project Configuration" to enter the "Project configuration" page.The "Project configuration" screen is as follows:
Click on "Configuration" to enter the detailed configuration screen and click "Field" tab, then the "Field configuration" screen is shown as follows:
1、Add a field configuration
Click the "Add" button on the upper right of the "Field configuration" page and the lower screen will pop up.(As shown in Figure 3 below)
Local fields:Required, listing the system/custom fields of the local instance
Target fields:Required, listing the system/custom field of the target instance
Apply to all issue type configurations:Default Checked
Issue type configuration: Required, when "Apply to all issue type configurations" is not checked, the "Issue type configuration" selection will appear (as shown in Figure 4 above)
Supported fields:
Jira System Fields
Due Date
Security Level
Original Estimate
Remaining Estimate
Fix Version/s
Affects Version/s
Linked Issues
Jira Custom Fields
Radio Buttons
Date Time Picker
Date Picker
Number Field
Text Field (single line)
Text Field (multi-line)
Select List (single choice)
Select List (multiple choices)
Select List (cascading)
URL Field
Version Picker (multiple versions)
Version Picker (single version)
User Picker (single user)
User Picker (multiple users)
Group Picker (single group)
Group Picker (multiple groups)
Epic Status
Epic Colour
Original story points
Epic Name
Epic Link
ScriptRunner Fields
Single Issue Picker
Multiple Issue Picker
Single Custom Picker
Multiple Custom Picker
Single LDAP Picker
Multiple LDAP Picker
Single Database Values Picker
Database Picker Custom Field
Assets Fields
Insight objects
Insight Referenced Object (single)
Insight Referenced Object (multiple)
Insight objects (single) (legacy)
Insight objects (multiple) (legacy)
Insight Readonly Object/s
2、Edit the field configuration
Click the "Edit" and the "Edit the field configuration" screen will pop up.
Note: If data synchronization is in progress, the field configuration cannot be modified.This problem solution can be found here: Q&A 3.1
3、Delete the field configuration
Click the "Delete" and the following screen will pop up.
Note: If data synchronization is in progress, the field configuration cannot be deleted.This problem solution can be found here: Q&A 3.1
4、Value mapping
Click the "Value mapping" and the "Field value mapping configuration" screen will pop up.(As shown in Figure 5 below)
Add Field Value:Click "+" to add a record in the "Field value mapping list". (As shown in Figure 6 above)
Edit Field Value:When data synchronization is enabled, the field value configuration cannot be modified.
Delete Field Value:When data synchronization is enabled, the field value configuration cannot be deleted.
Local field value:Required, the local field value can be selected by oneself.
Target field value:Required, the target field value needs to be manually entered.
Note: If data synchronization is in progress, field value mapping records cannot be modified or deleted.This problem solution can be found here: Q&A 3.1
5、Value unmatching
Click the "Value unmatching"and the "Value unmatching" screen will pop up.(As shown in Figure 7 below)
Normal dropdown values with option field types:
Do nothing
Set default value
Issue Link, Epic Link field type by way of drop-down value:
Do nothing
Issues creating links
Default value:Required (As shown in Figure 6 above)
If the selected mode is set default value, it is displayed, otherwise it is hidden.
Different default boxes are displayed according to different field types. For example, the drop-down box for multiple selection fields is displayed.
The default value drop-down box shows the field value options for the target instance.
When the plug-in installation is configured as "Bilateral installation" in the global configuration, field values are not allowed to match the configuration.
ScrpitRunner field and Assets field do not support field value unmatching.
6、Field configuration search
If there are too many field configuration records, you can search them via local or target Jira system field name and Issue type configuration.