1.2.8 Disable work logging for issue types

1.2.8 Disable work logging for issue types

1.  Description

You can use this function to prohibit the entry of working hours on issues of certain types of questions.

2. Turn on function

This function can be turned on and off in the System settings interface.


3. Configuration interface

Click [Configuration] to open the configuration interface, where you can add, edit, copy, delete, etc.



The fields in the figure above are explained as follows:

  • Issue Type:Choose according to the Issue type configured by JIRA

  • Project: This configuration only works on selected items (Select up to 10 items)

  • Excluded projects:This configuration will not affect the excluded items (Select up to 10 items)

Excluded items selection box is hidden if some items are selected

4. Function use

4.1 Enter the working hours on the disabled Issue, as shown in the figure below.

4.2 When entering work hours to select questions, the restricted question types will be automatically excluded