If a team has been selected, only the projects under the team can be selected in the project selection box, users under the team can only be selected in the user selection box, and only the problem types under the selected team can be selected in the question type selection box. Otherwise, the project, user and question type selection boxes are not restricted
If an project has been selected, the question type selection box can only select the question type under the selected project
4.Define the display hierarchy.
(1) Initial structure
(2) When the global configuration, the report level setting is turned on, the selected custom field will be used as a level of the report, and it can be freely combined with other levels to query report data
5.Team Information Display
6.Same Projects between Teams
The statistical value at the bottom of the table is the result after deduplication
7.There are equal working hours between teams
(1) When querying the team report. If there are the same working hours between teams, a duplicate label will be displayed behind the team, and the mouse will move up to show which teams have duplicate working hours with the current team
(2) Specifically, which user belongs to multiple teams will be displayed behind the user name, and the mouse will move up, and it will prompt "This user belongs to multiple teams and has repeated work hours"