WeChat Work for Jira Callback Configuration

WeChat Work for Jira Callback Configuration

1.Initially, the switch of the callback configuration is turned off, and the card type of the card sent at this time is textcard.

2.WeChat Work for Jira version 1.6.0 provides card messages of template_card type. If you want to send this kind of card message, first turn on the callback configuration switch, and then configure the callback in the enterprise WeChat background.

(1)First turn on the callback configuration switch, we will provide Token and EncodingAESKey by default (you can also modify it according to your needs and obtain it through the enterprise wechat terminal. Point (4)).


(2)Then enter the enterprise WeChat background, and click App Management.


(3)Select the Jira self-built application used by the company, and click "Set to receive messages via API".


(4)The Token and EncodingAESKey here can be provided by us or obtained randomly here, but before clicking the "Save" button here, you need to copy and paste the Token and EncodingAESKey here into the Token and EncodingAESKey input box of our global configuration And save it so that the Tokens on both sides are consistent with EncodingAESKey.In this way, the verification can be passed when the enterprise WeChat saves it.

URL: http:// Jira's domain name /rest/weChat-jira/2/wechatMessage/receivedMessage/


(5)After saving successfully, the page will be as shown below.


3.After the enterprise WeChat background callback configuration is successful, click "Test card message", it will display "Send successfully", and the current operating user will receive a card message (picture below), then the user can use the template_card type of card message .


Note: When there is no callback configuration in the corporate WeChat background, please turn off the callback configuration switch, and a textcard (old version) message will be sent.After the enterprise WeChat background callback configuration is successful, and the test card message is sent successfully, the callback configuration switch can be turned on, and the template_card card (new version) message will be sent. If the callback configuration is unsuccessful and the switch is turned on, the card message will not be received.


4.template_card (Interactive) card message list.

(1)ordinary card (card messages received by followers)

(2)special card (the card message received by the handler after the card process is configured)